Friday, April 06, 2007

I heart Julieta Venegas

This is Julieta Venegas:Eye candy aside, she is an award-winning singer/songwriter from Mexico whose becoming increasingly popular in the genre of rock en español. She tends to sing in a very melodic, catchy style though some of her tunes can have a hard edge to it. Did I also mention that she can kick musical ass with an accordion? (Just trust me on that one).

As evidence of her awesome awesomeness I submit the following YouTube vids as evidence:

Andar Conmigo

Limón y Sal

Me Van a Matar

Sería Feliz

If I am lucky I might be able to go to her concert Thursday night at B.B.King's with C. and her friend. I'll go if I can get over the somewhat prohibitive cost of the concert and depending on some repairs being done in the apartment. I really hope I can make it!

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