Saturday, July 12, 2008

My day off!

So where am I going on Saturday after busting my back all week? Here's a hint - a free concert in Central Park starring the one and only Julieta Venegas! (Along with some primo opening acts, too).

I'm excited not only to listen to some wonderful music in a unique setting but also glad to meet up with some friends and possibly be surprised by those that I haven't seen in a while. (The latter happened when I unexpectedly met C. at the end of the Aterciopelados gig in 2005). Then there's also the mini-picnic we're going to have (including some meat empanadas I've got to buy). All-in-all I'm going to try to enjoy things.

Afterwards, I'm going to catch a bus and be picked up at the Apple Store at 8pm. Why there? No, I'm not giving into the hype over the new iPhone. (At least not until I can afford it, all the bugs get worked out, and there's more flexibility with the service plans). Rather, it's an easy address for the Access-A-Ride to pick me up and the store's bathrooms are decent.

Depending on time constraints and my appetite I may eat at nearby Pop Burger; I have an Achilles heel for sliders.

Lastly, if I'm lucky I can catch Manhattanhenge depending on what time my ride picks me up and if my camera can hold out.


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