It is very difficult to find words that accurately express my gratitude and joy to you both on the occasion of your 24th brithday. Nevertheless, here it goes.
I do not know if I would be the person that I am had I not known you both though I'm sure it would be far worse. You have both been two strong pillars of support and I have learned more from you guys than from anyone else. There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for being in your presence. It's always a pleasure having you guys around me regardless of the petty quarrels and silly arguments we often engage in. I doubt I would have pulled through the darkest times of my life without your guidence. Your will to survive, dedication, and courage have been a constant inspiration for me. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the smartest people I know; far wiser than you believe. My greatest hope is that I can continuing being by your side and learning from the fruits of your labor.
God bless you now and always. (Hopefully I'll make it to your 25th brithday party and not flake out!)
Here are a few songs in celebration of your birthday based on appropriate titles:
Charles Mingus - Eat that Chicken
Jens Lekman - Are Bithdays Happy?
The Sugarcubes - Birthday
Yossarian - Koala
Update (22 September): All MP3s in this post have been removed.
I do not know if I would be the person that I am had I not known you both though I'm sure it would be far worse. You have both been two strong pillars of support and I have learned more from you guys than from anyone else. There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for being in your presence. It's always a pleasure having you guys around me regardless of the petty quarrels and silly arguments we often engage in. I doubt I would have pulled through the darkest times of my life without your guidence. Your will to survive, dedication, and courage have been a constant inspiration for me. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the smartest people I know; far wiser than you believe. My greatest hope is that I can continuing being by your side and learning from the fruits of your labor.
God bless you now and always. (Hopefully I'll make it to your 25th brithday party and not flake out!)
Here are a few songs in celebration of your birthday based on appropriate titles:
Charles Mingus - Eat that Chicken
Jens Lekman - Are Bithdays Happy?
The Sugarcubes - Birthday
Yossarian - Koala
Update (22 September): All MP3s in this post have been removed.
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