*One of these days I’m going to list the blogs that I read on a constant basis. In the meantime, I’ll list Stereogum as one of them as proven by this exceptional post of a tour of Oslo by the mastermind behind Serena Maneesh.
*Speaking of my favorite Norwegian shoegazers, I’m afraid that I will have to skip their concert on September 8th. Though I had planned to attend it I’m trying to figure out a way to go to the Mets game on September 9th with mom and my brothers. The promotion for that game will be sports bags (which my mom is a sucker for) but more importantly it will be a good chance to cheer her up a bit on the eve of the 1st anniversary of my dad’s passing. Besides, I would much rather sacrifice much of my own enjoyment for her and my brothers than enjoy it all for myself by going to see Serena Maneesh.
*Maybe Keith Hernandez overreacted during the Mets’ broadcast a few night ago, but "Who Let The Dogs Out?" is one of the worse songs to become a hit (aside from “MacArthur Park” and “We Built this City”, that is). Unfortunately, I’m still emotionally scarred that "Who Let The Dogs Out?" was played loud over the loudspeakers at the end of undergraduate commencement at FIU as blue and gold streamers were shot all over the graduates. Sad, sad, sad memory.
*Speaking of short-sightedness by my alma mater, I’m pleased to see they quickly changed their minds on the issue of public transportation. And no, I don’t care about how the football team does this season except to bemoan the administration’s short-sighted (though thankfully short-lived) decision to cut the men’s soccer program before football’s inaugural season.
*I swear to God/Allah/Buddha these look exactly like the ones mom makes!
*It’s a pity to see the state of disrepair of some of the Long Island Railroad stations in NYC, but it gives me lots of joy and pride to live near the ornate and lovely Forest Hills station (seen in the image at the top of the post).
*Good news to read that the hotels, including the one my dad worked for, reached a deal with the unions and avoided what could have been a crippling strike. (Link via the informative Newyorkology).
*While searching for links to my post on “Reno 911!” I stumbled on this Gawker post of a late-night food tour with David Wain and Ken Marino.
*Knowing the team’s history of futility is it any wonder that Red Bull New York would play so horribly in last Saturday’s 1-0 loss?
*Lastly, I observed many things during my time as a United Nations intern. Yet nothing beat the blood, sweat, and tears showed by government and NGO delegates during negotiations for an international treaty for the disabled. A treaty draft might be ready finished by Friday and ready for for approval by the General Assembly very soon. There is a great deal of hope that a convention will broaden the rights of disabled individuals around the world. I pray that it can come to fruition very soon.
United Nations, soccer, New York, Serena Maneesh, Florida International University, disabled
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